Parents are an important part of a players’ soccer development and a team’s success as well as an integral part of the EFAO community. As such, parents’ behavior and support of their child is of the utmost importance.
As a player with EFAO, you have made a commitment to yourself, your teammates, your coaches, and your parents. You have a responsibility to represent EFAO in a positive way at all times.
This Privacy Policy applies only to our online activities and is valid for visitors to our website with regards to the information that they shared and/or collect in EFAO's website.
This consent form gives European football academy Okinawa (EFAO) the permission to use/reuse any photographs and video footage taken during EFAO events for their website and social media channels.
This consent form acknowledges that your child is physically capable of participating in in any and all activities prepared by the European Football Academy Okinawa (EFAO).